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The only source of knowledge is experience

About Us

Born in the mid-west of the USA, I have been traveling since I was young – gaining knowledge through experience and expanding my understanding of the world. After meeting Julian on my third day of what was to be one year in New Zealand, international travel became my life.  

Over the past year I have worn several hats through my work with the Global Ecovillage Network in an attempt to create a safety net of community across the globe. 

I express myself through art and dance as I try to make sense of what it means to be alive in a time of new beginnings.

Eva Goldfarb

Born in a small town in northern Germany, I explored what my gifts to this world could be. After studying nursing and working with the elderly I realized that the heartbreak of the profession was too much for me and went back to school to become a carpenter. 

Through travel and cultural exploration I learned about ecovillages and began the dream that you are now exploring through this website. 

I believe in the power of unconditional love and hands-on work. 

Julian Goldfarb-Witte

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